Add a location so members know where the group is meeting. You can create physical or virtual locations for your groups and share them with other groups.
The location of your meeting is sent in all event reminder emails and is available to group members on Church Center.
In the Settings tab, go to the Location section, and choose one of these location types:
Physical address for a physical location.
Virtual (link) to add a URL for a video conference platform to stream your service or meeting.
For a physical location, select Create a new location in the dropdown menu.
Add the name and address, and then make sure that the location on the map is correct.
If other groups or events might need this location, check the box next to Share this location with other groups.
To pin a more specific location instead of an address, click the map.
Members will always see the exact address and location, but to make the public-facing location less specific, set the Non-Member Display to Hidden, Approximate, or Exact location.
Click Save location to add the location to your group or event.
For a virtual location, paste the meeting link for your chosen video conference platform, such as Zoom, Go-To-Meeting, and Google Hangouts. This is auto-saved when you move away from this field.
If you add a link to a video conference as your location, only logged in members of the group will be able to access the link.
You can update your group's location by changing the type and adding a new link or physical location.
You can change a location to a new one, edit the existing one or delete it in the Location section of the settings. Select the location to edit and select Edit location. Update the current location's name, address, or Non-Member Display options.
Change the address to your new location and make sure it's marked correctly on the map.
Select Save location.