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New: Allow Leaders to enable Group Messaging

By default, Groups Administrators are the only ones who are able to turn on Group Messaging for individual groups. However, we've now given admins the ability to grant leaders, of any Group Type, access to enabling this feature for their own groups! You can find this option by going to the Group Type settings. 


Turning this setting on for any Group Types likely means you'll want those leaders to know about it! You can filter down to the leaders of a particular Group Type from the People Page.


From there, you can send them an email with links to this video announcing Group Messaging as well as our documentation for Managing Group Settings so they have everything they need to get started!

If you or your leaders have any questions about Group Messaging, let us know by going to the question mark on the top right corner of any Planning Center page and sending us an email!

~The Groups Team



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