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Add Resources

Resources are the files you need to share with people, from meeting guides to short videos. You can add a resource to a single group or share it across all groups in a group type, and you can make resources accessible to only leaders or all members. All group members are notified when a resource to it is added.


Resources are listed chronologically by the latest update.

Supported File Types and Sizes

The types of files that you can add to a group include:

  • PDFs

  • Microsoft Word documents

  • Text files

  • Small audio files

  • Small image files

  • Small videos (50Mb or less)

The maximum allowed file size is 50Mb. For larger files, we recommend that you upload the file to a separate hosting platform and create a private link to the file that you can share from the Resources page.

  • You can host larger media files on a service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Amazon S3.

  • Large video files can be posted on a video platform like Youtube or Vimeo.

Add a Resource to a Group

From a group page, go to the Resources tab and click Add a group resource.

group resource_arrow.png

Choose File Upload or URL Link.

  1. Browse your computer for a file or enter a URL that you want to link to.

  2. This field will be displayed on the Resources pages. The actual file name or URL will not be visible.

  3. Enter the purpose of the resource or when to use it.

  4. Allow only leaders or all members to access the resource.

Click Save to upload the file or add the link to your Resources page. All resources will be listed with labels showing who can access them.


An Administrator can edit or delete any resources; group leaders can only edit or delete resources they have personally added.

To edit a resource, click Edit in the resource list. Make any needed changes or delete the resource.

edit resources_arrow.png

Add a Shared Resource

From the Groups page, go to the Resources tab, and click Add new shared resource.

new shared resource_arrow.png

Choose File Upload or URL Link.

modal_shared resource_numbered.png
  1. Browse your computer for a file or enter a URL that you want to link to.

  2. This field will be displayed on the Resources tabs. The actual file name or URL will not be visible.

  3. Enter the purpose of the resource or when to use it.

  4. Select the group types that can access to the resource.

  5. Allow only leaders or all members to access the resource.

Click Save to upload the resource. All shared resources for the group type will be listed with labels showing who can access them.


An Administrator can edit or delete any resources; group leaders can only edit or delete resources they have personally added.

To edit a resource, click Edit in the resource list. Make any needed changes or delete the resource.

edit shared resource_arrow.png

Shared resources are listed in the shared Resources tab and Resources tab for each group they are shared with.

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